We create a movement for respectful skincare

Our core? Respectful skincare

No matter one’s age, origins or skin complexion, healthy-looking, beautiful skin is within everyone’s reach. Our promise to you is to be your lifelong ally for everyday care and investment in your skin.​ ​

Quality is paramount

Going above and beyond regulatory requirements, all our products respect our high internal standards of quality. Our formulations are all made in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. We source new active ingredients with sensitivity and consideration for the skin efficacy, and their impact on several environmental parameters.


In skincare, time is an ally

We believe that in skincare, time is on our side. We focus on simple essentials to ensure the best benefits for your skin, in both the short and long term. Cleanse, care and protect: this simple consistency will bring your skin the best results over time. This is what we call skinvestment.


Each Maria Galland Paris product carries a number. The coding was elaborated by Maria Galland to classify the products according to the essential steps of the routine, and to provide you with your unique code. We help you decode your skin and code your tailor-made solution.



Blazing a bold trail in the early sixties, Maria Galland dedicates her early years to gathering extensive knowledge on how to achieve healthy, beautiful skin. She convinces dermatologists, chemists and physiologists to join her in co-creating a revolutionary new approach to skin care.

In 1962, she opens her first beauty institute in Paris and creates the iconic Mosaic Modelling Method. This marks the dawn of a new movement for skin care.